Dmochewicz wita. Łukasz - , kolekcjoner zestawów perkusyjnych. Właściciel nowoczesnego studia nagrań i produkcji muzycznej. Perkusista Łukasz - perkusista, kolekcjoner zestawów perkusyjnych i właściciel nowoczesnego studia nagrań i produkcji muzycznej. Jeśli google życzy sobie mieć więcej tekstu. Na potrzeby seo to google dostanie więcej tekstu. Bardzo proszę oto więcej tekstu. Wszystko dla przeglądarki i algorytmów. Jeśli do tej pory było za mało tekstu to. Bardzo proszę tutaj jeszcze odrobinka tekstu.

Before you speak the same language on the stage, listen carefully to what your artists would like to communicate to their audience.
It's one of the main principals that guide me as a session musician.
Lucas • Drummer
Before you speak the same language on the stage, listen carefully what your artists would like to tell to their audience.
It's the major thought that leads me as a session musician.
Lucas Dmochewicz • Drummer
Before you speak the same language on the stage, listen carefully to what your artists would like to communicate to their audience.
It's one fo the main principals that guide me as a session musician.
Lucas • Drummer

Before you speak the same language on the stage, listen carefully what your artists would like to tell to their audience.
It's the major thought that leads me as a session musician.
Lucas • Drummer
Before you speak the same language on the stage, listen carefully what your artists would like to tell to their audience.
It's the major thought that leads me as a session musician.
Lucas Dmochewicz • Drummer
Before you speak the same language on the stage, listen carefully what your artists would like to tell to their audience.
It's the major thought that leads me as a session musician.
Lucas Dmochewicz • Drummer